Tasks in work package 1
Work package 1 led is a cornerstone work package in MuMiPro as cost and area efficiency of mussel production will be of key importance in determining the national potential of production of mussels for feed and as a mitigation tool.
Mussel production techniques will be developed in work package 1 in two organic mussel farms in an eutrophic estuary where main efforts will be on comparing long-line farming with tube and net systems and in a less eutrophic estuary, where focus will be on reducing costs of long-line techniques by changing buoying practice. In both areas, effects of density of mussels will be tested.
All tests will take place on real scale farming practice and work package 1 will deliver 200 t of mussels to processing in work package 2. Production volume, area efficiency and labour effort associated with the different farming techniques will be monitored continuously and will be used as data input to work packages 3 and 5.
Partners in work package 1
DTU Aqua (lead), Wittrup Seafood and Seafood Limfjord.