Methodology and work packages

Five scientific work packages

MuMiPro is divided into five scientific work packages: mussel production, mussel processing, mitigation potential, feeding test and business plans.

WP overview

WP1Work package 1: Mussel production

Work package 1 is dedicated to develop competitive mussel production methods. Key milestones are calculations of production costs and area efficiency of production.
Learn more about work package 1

WP2Work package 2: Mussel processing 

The objective of work package 2 is to develop efficient processing methods that can contribute to the supply of feedstuff. Key milestones are comparison of methods and analysis of mussel oil as a stand-alone product. Work package 2 deliver meal and silage to work package 4.
Learn more about work package 2

WP3Work package 3: Mitigation potential 

In work package 3 the environmental impact of mussel mitigation farming is assessed quantitatively in different areas. This work package will receive input from work package 1 on production efficiency. Key milestones are input on potential production and mitigation volumes to work package 5 and a GIS-based tool for coastal zone management.
Learn more about work package 3

WP4Work package 4: Feeding test

In work package 4, mussel feedstuff is tested and compared to standard protein sources, which will be of key importance for the use of mussel products in organic husbandry.
Learn more about work package 4

WP5Work package 5: Business plans

Work package 5 is supplied with input from work packages 1-3 to development of payment schemes for ecosystem services and business models based on upgrading mussels to organic feedstuff. Additional key work package 5 deliverables are scenarios for mussel products as feedstuff under a range of economic and productivity situations.
Learn more about work package 5

Work package 6: Project management

Project management is carried out in work package 6 led by DTU Aqua. The work package includes scientific coordination, internal communication, progress and financial reporting, liaison with Innovation Fund Denmark etc. 
Learn more about work package 6
27 JULY 2024