WP6: Management of the project

Tasks in work package 6

In work package 6 project management is carried out. It includes scientific coordination and day-to-day administrative tasks like internal communication, progress and financial reporting and liaison with  Innovation Fund Denmark.

A scientific committee that will ensure coordination of work package milestones and deliverables and contribute to reporting to the steering committee carries out detailed scientific management.

The project scientific progress, results and forthcoming activities will be discussed at annual project meetings including all partners.

Work packages 6 will organize project meetings including advisory board meetings and organize external workshops for potential MuMiPro end-users and provide project information aimed at public outreach.

Partners in work package 6

DTU Aqua (lead) and all other partners of the project. 



Leader of work package 6

Jens Kjerulf Petersen
Professor, Head of Section
DTU Aqua
+45 61 22 24 29
13 DECEMBER 2024