Policy guidelines for implementation of mussel cultivation as a mitigation measure for coastal eutrophication in the Western Baltic Sea
Petersen, J. K. (Ed.), Taylor, D. (Ed.), Bergström, P., Buer, A-L., Darecki, M., Filippelli, R., Gren, I-M., Hasler, B., Holbach, A. M., Nielsen, P., Petersen, L. K., Lindegarth, M., Lund, I., Maar, M., Ritzenhofen, L., Sagan, S., Saurel, C., Schernewski, G., Stybel, N., & Timmermann, K. (2020). Policy guidelines for implementation of mussel cultivation as a mitigation measure for coastal eutrophication in the Western Baltic Sea. DTU Aqua. DTU Aqua-rapport, No. 362-2020 https://doi.org/10.11581/dtu:00000079
High value (food) ingredients from Danish organic mussels: Market potential, regulatory barriers and go-to-market strategy
Henrik Uth, Engredo ApS
Book chapter in Goods and Services of Marine Bivalves
(Editors Aad C. Smaal, Joao G. Ferreira, Jon Grant, Jens K. Petersen, Øivind Strand)
Taylor, D., Larsen, J., Buer, A.-L., Friedland, R., Holbach, A., Petersen, J.K., Nielsen, P., Ritzenhofen, L., Saurel, C., Maar, M., 2021. Mechanisms influencing particle depletion in and around mussel farms in different environments. Ecological Indicators 122, 107304. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.107304
Timmermann K, Maar M, Bolding K, Larsen J, Windolf J, Nielsen P, Petersen JK (2019) Mussel production as a nutrient mitigation tool for improving marine water quality. Aquacult Environ Interact 11:191-204. https://doi.org/10.3354/aei00306
18-2-20 Spatial modelling of blue mussel farm production and nutrient mitigation potential in the w. Baltic Sea (ASLO 2020)
10-10-19 Local acceptance of mussel cultivation in the Baltic Sea (EAS 2019)
10-10-19 Spatial modelling of blue mussel farm production potential in the western Baltic Sea (EAS 2019)
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Anbefaling til brug af muslinger som økologisk foderingrediens til smågrise
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Filippelli, R., Termansen, M., Hasler, B., Timmermann, K., Petersen, J.K., 2020. Cost-effectiveness of mussel farming as a water quality improvement measure: Agricultural, environmental and market drivers. Water Resources and Economics 32, 100168. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wre.2020.100168
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Holbach, A., Maar, M., Timmermann, K., Taylor, D., 2020. A spatial model for nutrient mitigation potential of blue mussel farms in the western Baltic Sea. Science of The Total Environment 736, 139624. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.139624
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van der Heide, M.E., Johansen, N.F., Kidmose, U., Nørgaard, J.V., Hammershøj, M., 2021. The effect of deshelled and shell-reduced mussel meal on egg quality parameters of organic laying hens under commercial conditions. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 30, 100119. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.japr.2020.100119
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Article in Frontiers
Taylor D, Saurel C, Nielsen P and Petersen JK (2019) Production Characteristics and Optimization of Mitigation Mussel Culture. Front. Mar. Sci. 6:698. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00698
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