Udviklingscenter for Husdyr på Friland KS (Centre for Development of Open Air Livestock) is equally owned by Friland A/S and Danish Animal Protection Association in a limited partnership.
Since 2008, UHF has participated in various projects regarding increased animal welfare in organic pig farming. Most of these projects have been carried out as collaborative efforts with partners ranging from relevant lobby organisations to universities and other research institutions.
Simme Eriksen holds a university degree as agronomist and is certified project manager. He acts as daily manager in UHF and has been professionally engaged in development of organic pig farming in more than 30 years, including participation in several major projects and working groups.
Website: www.udviklingscenter.com
Tasks in MuMiPro
UHF coordinates testing and demonstration of feed formulations including mussel meal for organic pig production.
Contact person
Simme Eriksen
Marsvej 43
8960 Randers SØ
E-mail: sier@udviklingscenter.com
Ph. + 45 8919 2764
Mobile 3034 2694