Department of Animal Science, Aarhus University (AU ANIS)


Department of Animal Science (AU-ANIS) at Aarhus University is located at Research Centre Foulum and work towards a high-productivity animal production sector based on healthy animals and low environmental impact. The objective of the Department of Animal Science is to carry out basic, strategic and applied research in issues relating to the nutrition, health and welfare of livestock, companion animals and humans.


Tasks in MuMiPro

AU-ANIS coordinates the work on evaluating mussel products as feedstuffs for pigs and poultry (WP4) and will study the impact of feeding mussel hydrolysate to piglets with a specific focus on stimulation of feed intake. 

Contact person

Associate Professor Jan Værum Nørgaard
Aarhus University
Department of Animal Science – Animal nutrition and physiology
Blichers Allé 20
8830 Tjele
Ph.+45 8715 7816
Personal website
13 DECEMBER 2024